Friday, February 20, 2009

Dangerous Wrigglers and Dengue Fever - Find out more here.

The picture above was taken from Singapore's Ministry of Environment NEA or National Environment Agency's website.

It shows the life cycle of an Aedes mosquito. The larva is also known as the wriggler.

To find out more about wrigglers and how they can spread Dengue fever, click at the links given below:

What can all of us do prevent this mosquito from breeding? Click here to find out:

What can happen if the authorities suspect that there are mosquitoes breeding near or in your home? Click here to find out:

Pupils' Response 7 - Reading is Good and Fun

Hello to all 3.2 pupils,

Every morning, we have silent reading. Pupils read a variety of books and magazines.
Reading is a habit. The more you read, the more you want to read.

This week, I would like you to reflect on the importance of reading and its influence on you. As usual, I will list some questions below to help you with the journal writing.

1. Why do you think the school gets the pupils to read every morning?
2. Do you like it? Why?
3. Do you like reading? Why?
4. What kinds of books do you like to read?
5. Do you think reading will help you with your school work? Why?
6. How can the school encourage pupils to read more books?
7. Could you recommend a book you really like to read? Tell us who the author is and why you like to read his/her book?

I look forward to reading the response you will post in your own blog.
Mr Roseman

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Pupils' Response 6 - Using A Personal Computer To Do Your Schoolwork

Hello to all 3.2 pupils,

Please refer to your Journal exercise book.
Look at written work table you did on Monday, 16 February on the various advantages and disadvantages of using the personal computer to do your school work.

Now type in and share in your blog, at least 5 advantages and 3 disadvantages listed in your table.

Do make sure your sentences are easy to understand as the meaning is clearly explained. Also, check for spelling, punctuation and grammatical mistakes. Please correct all such errors.

I look forward to reading the responses you will be posting in your blog.
Mr Roseman

Pupils' Response 5 - Outside School Activities

Hello to all P3.2 pupils,

Many pupils are involved in lessons outside school. They include tuition, music, art, ballet, swimming, SINDA, CDAC, MENDAKI or (EA) Eurasian Association classes, religious lessons and so on. There are just too many activities for me to list them.

For this week's journal writing, I would like you to reflect on your involvement in all the activities outside school. To help you with your writing, I have listed some questions below:

1. What are the activities you are involved in outside school from Monday to Sunday?
2. How many days do you spend on these activities?
3. How many hours do you spend in each of these activities?
4. Why are you involved in these activities?
5. Do you think these activities are necessary for you? If 'Yes', how have these activities help you? If 'No', why are you taking part in these activities?
6. Do you think these activities affect your school work/studies? If so, how?
7. Do you feel stressed with all these activities? Explain.
8. In your opinion, do you think pupils should be involved in outside school activities? Why?

I am looking forward to reading the responses you will be posting in your blogs.
Mr Roseman

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Pupils' Response 4 - Passion For Learning

Hello to all 3.2 pupils,

Following last week's topic on 'target setting, we will reflect on passion for learning this week.

Since this is the value for the month of February, I hope this journal writing will enable you to give this value some thought.

To assist you in writing your reflection, I have listed some questions for you to ponder:
1. What do you understand by 'passion for learning' ?
2. Why do you think it is necessary for people to have a passion for learning?
3. Do you know of any family members, famous people, relatives or friends with a passion for learning?
4. How do they show their passion for learning?
5. Do you think you have a passion for learning now? If 'Yes', why? If 'No', why?6. What can you do to develop your passion for learning?

I look forward to reading the response you will post in your blog.
Mr Roseman

Pupils' Response 3 - Setting Targets

Hello to all 3.2 pupils,
We have set our targets for the various subjects such as English, Mathematics, Science and Mother Tongue.

I would like you to reflect on this exercise. As usual, I will list some questions to help you with the reflection.
1. What is the purpose of setting targets for the various subjects?
2. Do you think this is useful? If 'Yes', why? If not, why?
3. How did you go about setting the targets for yourself?
4. What are you doing to help you achieve your target? Do you have a plan? If so, what is it?
5. How are your parents helping you achieve your targets?
6. What will you do to motivate yourself towards achieving the targets?
7. What do you think your teacher/the school can help you achieve the targets?

I am looking forward to the response you will post in your blog.
Mr Roseman

Monday, February 9, 2009

Pupils' Response 2 - Our Festivals in Singapore

Our Festivals in Singapore

Hello to all 3.2 pupils,

We have just celebrated Chinese New Year and Thaipusam. Both are some of the many festivals celebrated by the Chinese and Hindus. The Malays, Indians and other races also celebrate their own festivals.

I would like you to reflect on the meaning of these festivals and how we can preserve racial harmony in Singapore.

To help you with your reflection, I have listed some questions/pointers below:
1. Tell us about the festival you celebrate.
2. Why do you celebrate this festival?
3. How do you celebrate the festival?
4. Do you know what are the festivals celebrated by the other races? If so, could you name a few? Also tell us who celebrate them and why they celebrate them.
5. Do you think the celebration of the various festivals help in strengthening racial harmony among the various race in Singapore? If so, how?
6. In your opinion, how can we develop stronger bonds among the various races in Singapore?

I am looking forward to reading the response you will be posting in your blog soon.
Mr Roseman

Pupils' Response - School's Vision, Mission and Value

Journal Writing : School's Vision, Mission and Values
Hello 3.2 pupils,

Mr Martin Tan mentioned the school's vision, mission and values on the first day of school.
In this reflection, I would like you to show me whether you remember the school's vision, mission and values and to give your views about them.

To help with your reflection, I have listed some questions below:
1. What are the school's vision, mission and values?
2. What do you think of the school's vision, mission and values?
3. Do you believe in the school values? If 'yes' or 'no', why?
4. Do students think of the school values when engaging in activities in school or outside? If so, how?
5. How can you, as students, live up to the school values?
6. What activities do you think the teachers can organise in class and in school to help students learn the values?

I look forward to reading your response posted in your blog.
Mr Roseman